Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria for tenants in the AGRC include:

● Age:  55 years plus

● Retired/retiring (or declared permanently disabled) as employed personnel of a recognized

ministry under the umbrella of The United Church of Canada.

● In the case of couples:  both sign lease agreement as tenants.

● (Employees of Category 3 Legacy Incorporated Ministries are not eligible)

● Normally a member of the UCC Pension Fund.

● Capable of “independent living” or have live-in caregiver

● Tenants are permanent residents (no sublet)

● Adult child and any other non-tenant may live-in only by permission of Landlord (normally up to

six months)

● Priority given to applicants demonstrating financial need (applicant provides information)

● Commitment to the well-being and vision of the AGRC, including Residents’ Association.

An Applicants Waiting List is maintained for persons eligible to apply for residence. 

Contact Shabri Properties Ltd. (Leila Thompson), at leila@shabriproperties.com for application form.

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