Our History

Our History

Albright Gardens Retirement Community (AGRC) of The United Church of Canada (UCC) is home to 41 households, including a “Friendship Centre” for community activities and to accommodate the Community Support Services of Niagara’s west office. The community is located on a 25-acre parcel of land on the slope of the Niagara Escarpment known as Beamsville, Ontario, with views across Lake Ontario that on a clear day reveal Toronto to the north. The Bruce Trail crosses the southern end of the property.

The gift of this magnificent property by the Rev. Raymund Albright along with a $100,000 donation by Miss Elsie Watt launched the development of this seniors’ housing community in the 1950s, with further acquisition of land and houses in the 1960s.  The Intention of Donors was to help provide comfortable, affordable housing for retired United Church of Canada personnel. This intention continues and will expand to welcome other seniors seeking affordable housing.

In 2013, the Albright Centre, a long-term care facility built at the north end of the donated parcel, became an independent non-profit organization, as did the Edelheim Apartments, located in the middle of the site. Both facilities had been created under United Church auspices but are now deemed to be neighbouring legacy corporations with no legal relationship to the UCC.

Annual Meeting Slideshow - 2017 Annual Meeting Slideshow - 2016

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